50 mph winds with 8-10 foot waves

50 mph winds with 8-10 foot waves

rainbow I caught

rainbow I caught

Sunday, May 23, 2010

weekly reflection

This week was so much better than last week! Finally, my luck turned around and I was able to catch a bunch of fish; altho on Monday I did have a little problem. The rod turner shut off while the epoxy was drying. Witch caused the epoxy to dry uneven. Other than that the week went smooth. Im very happy I went with a 6 ft rod. It allows you to cast so fare. Iv never used a long rod before I have always had a 5 ft, I am never going back. I did have to sand down my handle witch I wasn't to happy about I had it so perfect. But it turned out very nice still.

For my first time ever I went down-rigging. It’s a type of fishing that allows you to fish really deep while moving in the boat. There are two spools with wire on them, on the wire are two big weights that you attach to your normal fishing rod line. The weights allow you to get the lure or fly depending on what you are fishing with down to any depth you want. I was able to catch a few salmon with this style of fishing. It was a little boring tho, there is no casting. The boat moves as slow as possible and just drives around; some fishermen even use 5 gallon buckets to slow the boat down.

I believe my success this week was due to the new lurers. I had been using pritty big tackle. I figured big fish like big meals, well that is not the case as I found out. I ended up going and buying some small spinner and they worked amazing. My favorite lure was a small piece of copper I believe that was concave and allowed it to spin while going through the water. One of the pickerel I caught swallowed it so deep that I could not get it out and I had to cut the line.

Over all the week was great I got to use the rod make some final changes and fixes. I was also had the chance to talk to some old fishing men while trolling. One of then men I talked to have been fishing the lake his whole life and had been keep records of what lure catches the most fish and the month and time the fish bite. Altho I promised him I would not tell anyone his secrets.

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