50 mph winds with 8-10 foot waves

50 mph winds with 8-10 foot waves

rainbow I caught

rainbow I caught

Thursday, May 20, 2010

best day yet

so woke a early and new it was gona b a nice day so i had planed ahead and packed the boat full of everything i would need for an all day event..we went out in dans boat to do some down rigging and we got 2 salmon. then he had to go and do some house work so i took out my fishing boat and went out for the rest of the day fishing for bass.. i drove as far as i could away form my house and starting fishing. what success i got 3 bass and a couple small kibbies. it left grate to use the new rod and get so many nice fish...i havent gotten a real for it yet just took one off an old rod but it seems to b working perfect..

7 hours fishing... catching fish and working out the new rod

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