50 mph winds with 8-10 foot waves

50 mph winds with 8-10 foot waves

rainbow I caught

rainbow I caught

Friday, May 21, 2010


so today i got another early start we went out and my mother came with us. we ended up going to my old fishign ground in winter harbor and it turn out to b the best idea of the week! it was like going to the candy store all day we had fish coming into the boat! all pickerel tho..i dont know where all the bass went...im making it a new goal to catch some bass my neighbor came by on the boat and as he was coming in he got a bass right off the same dock iv been fishing for the last 2 weeks and havent gotten anything..a lil frustrating haha the the weather was amazing again today..iv grew up on the lake and in the past 2 weeks i dont think iv seen the lake so calm. i have some picture but i dont have the hook up at the moment so ill try and get those up as soon as i can. ohh so i got a real for my rod today but it broke first day....

6 hours..fishing


  1. Hey Eric
    Your first comments reminded me of fishing derby weekends. Hope you're keeping count....you never know if there's a trophy at the end. Oh, you may want to keep track of the length too! Good luck and I look forward to more updates.

  2. Hey Eric!

    So this blog is for a project? You should keep it updated when you go away to school! Congratulations on your graduation, wish we could be there to celebrate! The lake looks beautiful, like it always does. I miss NH every day!

    Erik and I have a blog too, I haven't updated it recently but it's on my list of things to do... We have some more pictures to share.


    Hope everything is going well, take care of yourself and I will keep checking this to see how you're doing. Miss you!

