50 mph winds with 8-10 foot waves

50 mph winds with 8-10 foot waves

rainbow I caught

rainbow I caught

Friday, May 14, 2010


so woke up today and it was perfect fishing weather..no wind..over cast sky's and a bunch of worms..my mother decided to come out on the boat today...."i think she scares the fish away" we went out at 7 to 12 and got nothing..i had a couple of fish on the line but was unable to wrangle them into the boat...should b time to invest in a net! came back and got some lunch and hung out at the dock took some cast...yet again nothing....so i gave up fishing for the day and went to work on the rod i was able to apoxy the eye loops..it was so hard! first u have to mix the 2 part apoxy to the perfect amount so it wont harden to fast but will harden...then u have to evenly apply it to the string that we wrapped around the eye loops to hold it on..if your screw up witch i did you have to use a heat gun and heat the apoxy up and try and get it all off....we had to take all the string off 2 eyes loops cause i screwed up 2 times...re tie them and then try to apoxy again..but we eventually got most of it done.

7 hours...5 fishing..no fish...2 hours apoxying

1 comment:

  1. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime! It is wonderful to follow you on your blog as you learn how to fish!! Patience my dear!!!
    Love, Mom

    PS. I do not scare the fish away! Walter is mine the next time we head out!!!
